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Procyanidin B2
Molecular formula
CAS Number
Chinese name Procyanidin B2
Chinese alias
English name Procyanidin B2
English alias (2R-(2ALPHA,3ALPHA,4BETA(2'R*,3'R*)))-2,2'-BIS(3,4-DIHYDROXYPHENYL)-3,3',4,4'-TETRAHYDRO-(4,8'-BI-2H-1-BENZOPYRAN)-3,3',5,5',7,7'-HEXOL; EPICATECHIN(4BETA-->8)EPICATECHIN; NSC 623097; Procyanidin; PROCYANIDIN B-2
CAS number 29106-49-8
Molecular formula C30H26O12
Molecular weight 578.52

Procyanidin B2, CAS# 29106-49-8

Analysis method: HPLC 13cNMR、1HNMR、MS
Molecular formula: C30H26O12
Molecular weight: 578.52
CAS No.: 29106-49-8
Apperance: Yellow powder
Grade: 98%-99% ( HPLC )
Packaging: As required.
Annual capacity: 1000 kgs
Storage condition: Refrigerate and protect from light.
Plant source: 葡萄籽/Grape Seed


Procyanidin B2, also known as procyanidol B2 or ec-(4b,8)-ec, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as biflavonoids and polyflavonoids. These are organic compounds containing at least two flavan/flavone units. These units are usually linked through CC or C-O-C bonds. Some examples include C2-O-C3, C2-O-C4, C3'-C3''', and C6-C8''. Thus, procyanidin B2 is considered to be a flavonoid. Procyanidin B2 is found, on average, in the highest concentration within a few different foods, such as cocoa powder, chocolate, and broad beans (Vicia faba) and in a lower concentration in strawberries (Fragaria X ananassa), rubus (blackberry, raspberry), and cloudberries (Rubus chamaemorus). Procyanidin B2 has also been detected, but not quantified in, several different foods, such as quinoas (Chenopodium quinoa), ceylon cinnamons (Cinnamomum verum), alcoholic beverages, green zucchinis (Cucurbita pepo var. cylindrica), and red bell peppers (Capsicum annuum). This could make procyanidin B2 a potential biomarker for the consumption of these foods. Procyanidin B2 is a secondary metabolite. Secondary metabolites are metabolically or physiologically non-essential metabolites that may serve a role as defense or signalling molecules. In some cases they are simply molecules that arise from the incomplete metabolism of other secondary metabolites. Based on a literature review a significant number of articles have been published on Procyanidin B2.

——Source: HMDB


Procyanidin B2 is one of our superior products. Tauto Biotech successfully extracted 98%-99% ( HPLC ) Procyanidin B2 by utilizing our own patented extraction method(HSCCC). Related technology is applicable to production lines with a scale of ≥1000 kgs.


Advantages: continuous supply, strict QA, HSCCC technology, annual production capacity ≥1000 kgs.


Related products
Ingredients found in 葡萄籽/Grape Seed:

RM-0511 Procyanidin B2 29106-49-8 C30H26O12 578.52
Packing specification

Brown screw-top reagent bottle, 10mg/20mg/50mg/1g/10g standard packaging, or according to customer requirements.

Product label sample