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Molecular formula
CAS Number
Chinese name Sinensetin
Chinese alias
English name Sinensetin
English alias 3',4',5,6,7-Pentamethoxyflavone
CAS number 2306-27-6
Molecular formula C20H20O7
Molecular weight 372.39

Sinensetin, CAS# 2306-27-6

Analysis method: HPLC 13cNMR、1HNMR、MS
Molecular formula: C20H20O7
Molecular weight: 372.39
CAS No.: 2306-27-6
Apperance: Yellow powder
Grade: 98%-99% ( HPLC )
Packaging: As required.
Annual capacity: 1000 kgs
Storage condition: Refrigerate and protect from light.
Plant source: 川陈皮/Orange peel


Sinensetin belongs to the class of organic compounds known as 7-o-methylated flavonoids. These are flavonoids with methoxy groups attached to the C7 atom of the flavonoid backbone. Thus, sinensetin is considered to be a flavonoid lipid molecule. Sinensetin is a very hydrophobic molecule, practically insoluble (in water), and relatively neutral. Sinensetin is a bitter tasting compound. Outside of the human body, sinensetin is found, on average, in the highest concentration in sweet oranges. sinensetin has also been detected, but not quantified in, several different foods, such as citrus, grapefruits, mandarin orange (clementine, tangerine), and rosemaries. This could make sinensetin a potential biomarker for the consumption of these foods.

——Source: HMDB


Sinensetin is one of our superior products. Tauto Biotech successfully extracted 98%-99% ( HPLC ) Sinensetin by utilizing our own patented extraction method(HSCCC). Related technology is applicable to production lines with a scale of ≥1000 kgs.


Advantages: continuous supply, strict QA, HSCCC technology, annual production capacity ≥1000 kgs.


Related products
Ingredients found in 川陈皮/Orange peel:

RM-0151 Tangeretin 481-53-8 C20H20O7 372.37
RM-0188 Nobiletin 478-01-3 C21H22O8 402.39458
RM-1490 5-O-Demethylnobiletin 2174-59-6 C20H20O8 388.37
RM-0595 Sinensetin 2306-27-6 C20H20O7 372.39
RM-3627 6-Demethoxytangeretin 6601-66-7 C19H18O6 342.347
Packing specification

Brown screw-top reagent bottle, 10mg/20mg/50mg/1g/10g standard packaging, or according to customer requirements.

Product label sample