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Molecular formula
CAS Number
Chinese name Daidzin
Chinese alias
English name Daidzin
English alias 7-(ß-D-Glucopyranosyloxy)-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one; Daidzein 7-Oglucoside; Daidzoside
CAS number 552-66-9
Molecular formula C21H20O9
Molecular weight 416.38

Daidzin, CAS# 552-66-9

Analysis method: HPLC 13cNMR、1HNMR、MS
Molecular formula: C21H20O9
Molecular weight: 416.38
CAS No.: 552-66-9
Apperance: White powder
Grade: 98%-99% ( HPLC )
Packaging: As required.
Annual capacity: 1000 kgs
Storage condition: Refrigerate and protect from light.
Plant source: 大豆/Soybean


Daidzin, also known as daidzoside or DZN, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as isoflavonoid o-glycosides. These are o-glycosylated derivatives of isoflavonoids, which are natural products derived from 3-phenylchromen-4-one. Daidzin is an extremely weak basic (essentially neutral) compound (based on its pKa). Daidzin is a cancer preventive and an alcohol dependency treatment (antidipsotropic) in animal models. Daidzin is a bitter tasting compound. Outside of the human body, Daidzin is found, on average, in the highest concentration within a few different foods, such as soy beans, soy yogurts, and other soy products and in a lower concentration in soy milks, miso, and tofus. Daidzin has also been detected, but not quantified in, several different foods, such as fireweeds, garlics, ostrich ferns, sourdocks, and annual wild rices. This could make daidzin a potential biomarker for the consumption of these foods. ; Daidzin is a natural organic compound in the class of phytochemicals known as isoflavones. Daidzin can be found in Japanese plant Kudzu (Pueraria lobata, Fabaceae) and from soybean leaves.

——Source: HMDB


Daidzin is one of our superior products. Tauto Biotech successfully extracted 98%-99% ( HPLC ) Daidzin by utilizing our own patented extraction method(HSCCC). Related technology is applicable to production lines with a scale of ≥1000 kgs.


Advantages: continuous supply, strict QA, HSCCC technology, annual production capacity ≥1000 kgs.


Related products
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RM-0004 Daidzin 552-66-9 C21H20O9 416.38
RM-0003 Daidzein 486-66-8 C15H10O4 254.24
RM-0002 Glycitin 40246-10-4 C22H22O10 446.41
RM-0001 Glycitein 40957-83-3 C16H12O5 248.3
RM-0006 Genistin 529-59-9 C21H20O10 432.37
RM-0005 Genistein 446-72-0 C15H10O5 270.2
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RM-3555 (β+γ)-Tocopherol N/A N/A N/A
Packing specification

Brown screw-top reagent bottle, 10mg/20mg/50mg/1g/10g standard packaging, or according to customer requirements.

Product label sample