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Molecular formula
CAS Number
Chinese name DL-α-Tocopherol
Chinese alias 维它命E
English name DL-α-Tocopherol
English alias DL-alpha-Tocopherol;5,7,8-TRIMETHYLTOCOL;ALL-RAC-ALPHA-TOCOPHEROL;ALPHA-DL-TOCOPHEROL;(+/-)-ALPHA-TOCOFEROL;(+/-)-ALPHA-TOCOPHEROL;ALPHA-TOCOPHEROLUM;A-TOCOPHEROL;DL-2,5,7,8-TETRAMETHYL-2-(4,8,12-TRIMETHYLTRIDECYL)-6-CHROMANOL;DL-5,7,8-TRIMETHYLTOCOL;DL-ALL-RAC-ALPHA-TOCOPHEROL;DL-ALPHA TOCOPHERYL ACETATE 500;D, L-A-TOCOPHEROL;DL-PHYTOGERMINE;DL-PROFECUNDIN;DL-TOCOPHEROL;DL-VITAMIN E;DL-VITAMIN E ALCOHOL;IRGANOX E 201;RAC-ALPHA-TOCOPHEROL;DL-α-Tocopherol;(±)−α−Tocopherol (Vitamin E) solution;(±)-α-Tocopherol;(§1)-alpha-Tocopherol;Alpha Tocopherol;Irganox? E 201;TOCOPHEROL, DL-ALPHA-(P);TOCOPHEROL, DL-ALPHA-(RG) PrintBack;VITAMIN E;(+/-)-alpha-Tocopherol,synthetic;alpha-Tocopherol;dl-alpha-Tocopherol(E);ephanyl;vitamin;Vitamin E;3,4-Dihydro-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl)-2H-1-benzopyran-6-ol
CAS number 10191-41-0
Molecular formula C29H50O2
Molecular weight 430.71

DL-α-Tocopherol, CAS# 10191-41-0

Analysis method: HPLC 13cNMR、1HNMR、MS
Molecular formula: C29H50O2
Molecular weight: 430.71
CAS No.: 10191-41-0
Apperance: Oil
Grade: 96% ( HPLC )
Packaging: As required.
Annual capacity: 1000 kgs
Storage condition: Refrigerate and protect from light.
Plant source: 大豆/Soybean


alpha-Tocopherol is traditionally recognized as the most active form of vitamin E in humans and is a powerful biological antioxidant. The measurement of "vitamin E" activity in international units (IU) was based on fertility enhancement by the prevention of spontaneous abortions in pregnant rats relative to alpha-Tocopherol. Natural vitamin E exists in eight different forms or isomers: four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. In foods, the most abundant sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils such as palm oil, sunflower, corn, soybean, and olive oil. Nuts, sunflower seeds, and wheat germ are also good sources.

——Source: HMDB

α-tocopherol, also known as vitamin e, belongs to the class of organic compounds known as tocopherols. These are vitamin E derivatives containing a saturated trimethyltridecyl chain attached to the carbon C6 atom of a benzopyran ring system. The differ from tocotrienols that contain an unsaturated trimethyltrideca-3,7,11-trien-1-yl chain. α-tocopherol is an extremely weak basic (essentially neutral) compound (based on its pKa).

——Source: HMDB


DL-α-Tocopherol is one of our superior products. Tauto Biotech successfully extracted 96% ( HPLC ) DL-α-Tocopherol by utilizing our own patented extraction method(HSCCC). Related technology is applicable to production lines with a scale of ≥1000 kgs.


Advantages: continuous supply, strict QA, HSCCC technology, annual production capacity ≥1000 kgs.


Related products
Ingredients found in 大豆/Soybean:

RM-0004 Daidzin 552-66-9 C21H20O9 416.38
RM-0003 Daidzein 486-66-8 C15H10O4 254.24
RM-0002 Glycitin 40246-10-4 C22H22O10 446.41
RM-0001 Glycitein 40957-83-3 C16H12O5 248.3
RM-0006 Genistin 529-59-9 C21H20O10 432.37
RM-0005 Genistein 446-72-0 C15H10O5 270.2
RM-0289 Soyasaponin Bb 51330-27-9 C48H78O18 943.12212
RM-3119 DL-α-Tocopherol 10191-41-0 C29H50O2 430.71
RM-2476 D-DELTA-TOCOPHEROL 119-13-1 C27H46O2 402.65
RM-3555 (β+γ)-Tocopherol N/A N/A N/A
Packing specification

Brown screw-top reagent bottle, 10mg/20mg/50mg/1g/10g standard packaging, or according to customer requirements.

Product label sample